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Scullion Sean Ciaran (Junior) 12th August 2024

Scullion Sean Ciaran (Junior) 12th August 2024, suddenly at hospital, late of 3 Dunlcug Gardens, Ballymena. 

Beloved father of Alarik, loving son of Sean and Dolores, dear brother of Tony, Catrina and Dermott, brother-in-law of David and Eloise and uncle of Aaron, Ben and Hannah. 

Sean’s remains will be reposing in Henry’s Funeral Parlour 100 Broughshane Street, Ballymena BT43 6EE. 

His remains will leave Henry’s Funeral Parlour (address above) at 9.40am on Friday 16th August to All Saints Church for funeral after 10am Requiem Mass, interment afterwards Ballymena Cemetery. 

Always remembered by his loving family and family circle.

“Our Lady of Sorrows pray for him”